Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm Back

Sorry that I have been so absent in my blogging but I have been super busy. Christmas was phenomenal! It was no nice to spend quality time with my family and my future husband's family as well. This was the first year I have spent Christmas with both my own family and Christopher's as well and I really had an amazing time. For New Years this year Christoper, the dogs and I did nothing. We just watched a movie, gave each other and the dogs a kiss at midnight and were asleep by 12:30. I would say that it was a very uneventful but really good!

So the holidays are over and on the 2nd I started my new job at Market Street. I am working in the pharmacy as a pharmacy tech. I am using this experience to get an idea if pharmacy is the right career path. So far it is not looking promising. My first day was a 12 hour day and it was rough. I have always worked at a bank and banks aren't even open 12 hours a day (not to mention that I took a $5/hour pay cut). So tomorrow is my week mark at the new job and I am working another 12 hour day. So all this to say that I have already started to look for another job. I want to find something that better utilizes my abilities and is more intellectually challenging and exciting.

Back to wedding details.... my sister and my dad bought boots yesterday for my wedding. I am super excited! I have so much to do and it is really starting to give me anxiety but I am excited!


Terri said...

I'm glad you are back. I'm actually excited to get back to wedding planning again. Time to get busy!