Thursday, November 6, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

With my crazy school schedule I have not had much time to think about wedding plans. I have 6 essays to write in the next 5 days! YIKES I did really good last night and went to the library and finished 2 more of them. I am going to spend all day Sunday in the library trying to finish all of the rest of them.

There is a couple of things that I still need to think about now as far as wedding planning goes though. We really need to find a book a band. Christopher had talked to a guy once already but he needs to follow up on it. The guy is actually a guy that is the father of one of the boys I went to high school. I think it would be really cool to have him because we know him and he knows us as well.

I also need to still look for bridesmaid dresses. I really liked the one from David's bridal but it is an online only dress. I need to find out if I can order one and see if I like it and if I do just go ahead and order them. I am just terrified of ordering a dress that I have never seen in person or tried on. I have found from experience that the dress that looks good online on the model is not always the most flattering dress on you, so I need to still check that out before I commit.

So many things to do and so little time. After December 13th hopefully I will have a lot of time to sit down and get all the details worked out. After Brandi is done helping her friend plan her wedding I think I am definitely gonna have to call in reinforcement from her.

Ok I am off to class again!


Terri said...

Don't worry baby, we'll get it done. Just get through the next month and then we can concentrate on the wedding. Your sister and I will be here to help, you know that right?

Megan Price (Soon enough!) said...

Brandi needs to freaking blow her friend off and help her sister. What friend would come in between Brandi helping you for your wedding... JK - Don't hate me for giving her flower duty. And don't worry, she loves you much more!